《心・景──澳門攝影新勢力(80’後)》( Eng : Heartscape – Photography of Macao Post-80s ) 2013 Jul – Group Exhibition – Macao SAR

Special Group Exhibition
Date : 2013.7
City : Macao SAR

Venue : Macao Art Museum
Macao Art Museum Special Group Exhibtion

築成?分解? (一)
歷史城區被列為世界文化遺產的中西共融港口小城澳門,其造船業曾具有重要的經濟地位。2008 在路環䠵枝碗拍下這隻可能是澳門最後一只大木船的製造過程,這邊廂造船工人在幾近廢址的破爛船廠建造木船,對岸却是金光大道與紫醉金迷。
“Completion? Demolition?”
As an East-meets-West small port city, Macao’s historical centre has inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2005. Early in the 20Th century, shipbuilding was one of its main industries. In 2008, at Lai Chi Wun village, in Coloane, the artist captured the whole production process of this large vessel, probably the last of its kind in Macao. Here, workers are building the vessel at a rundown, semi-abandoned shipyard, in sharp contrast with the glamour and opulence of Cotai Strip on the opposite side. In cultural terms, does it convey a sense of completion? Or demolition?

